Embassy Glyndŵr fully supports national patriotic commemorations of the tragic events of December 1282. As a body, we are not, ourselves involved in the organisation of commemorative events but fully support those who do - and this year, we must, in particular, draw your attention to the fact that a commemorative event is now being organised annually in Gwynedd. This year, the Gwynedd event is on Sunday the 9th of December. At 11am, wreaths will be laid at the foot of the Llywelyn memorial outside Gwynedd County Offices, Caernarfon. Following the wreath laying at Caernarfon, a commemorative ceremony will be held at Llys Rhosyr, in the remains of Llywelyn's court on the outskirts of Niwbwrch (Newborough) Sir Fôn. Those of you wishing to attend should gather outside the insitute in Niwbwrch at 1.45pm.For further information on 1282 commemorative events, see the COFIWN archive blog at
I myself was involved in 1282 commemorations throughout the 70's and into the mid 80's and am currently working on what will be a very interesting and informative DVD version of the COFIWN story. Keep looking in to this blog for further news on this.Siân
Ffarwel Grav
Daeth miloedd i Barc y Strade, Llanelli ar ddydd Iau 15 Tachwedd 2007 i dalu eu teyrnged i un o feibion mwyaf gwlatgarol Cymru. Mae'r cyfan ellir ei ddweud, eisoes wedi ei ddweud am Grav a gallaf ond ychwanegu'r geiriau canlynol oedd mor agos at ei galon ... "Myn Duw mi a Wn y Daw"Llun: Gareth ap Sion
A phan ddaw Owain Glyndŵr, arwr mwyaf Grav, yn ôl, dwi'n siwr y bydd Grav wrth ei ochr ef a'r arwyr mawr eraill wrth iddyn nhw garlamu allan o Ogof yr Arwyr ar eu meirch pwerus. Ffarwel Grav, gwelir colled ar dy ôl.Mae yna ddeisebau ar y gweill yn galw am i Gwpan y Tywysog William gael ei ail enwi yn Gwpan Ray Gravell. Oes gobaith yn y byd y bydd yr URC yn gwrando ar gais gefnogwyr Rygbi Cymru ac yn gwneud yr hyn maent yn ei ddymuno? Nagoes yw'r ateb. Felly, mae'r Llysgenhadaeth yn awgrymu fod y cefnogwyr yn boicotio'r gêm ac yn cyfrannu pris y tocyn i Gronfa Goffâ Ray Gravell.
1000's came to Stradey Park rugby ground on Thursday Nov 15th 2007 to pay their last respects to a great patriotic son of Wales. Everything that can be said, has already been said in tribute to Ray so I can add little more than repeat the words that were so close to his own heart..."Myn Duw mi a Wn y Daw" (My God I know he will come) and I am sure that when Grav's greatest hero, Owain Glyndŵr, does return, that Grav will be riding out of the Cave of Heroes alongside him and all the other great Welsh heroes.
Farewell Grav, you will be greatly missed.There are petitions doing the rounds calling for the Prince William Cup to be
renamed the Ray Gravell Cup. Is there any chance that the WRU will listen to Welsh Rugby supporters and grant their wish? No! will most definitely be the answer to that question so, the Embassy suggests that everybody boycotts the game in question and donates the ticket price to the Ray Gravell Fund.Siân
Grav's funeral
A public service is to be held at Stradey Park, Llanelli at 1pm on Thursday 15th Nov. We think it would be appropriate to have a big show of Glyndŵr flags with black ribbons pinned to them as a mark of respect for a big Glyndŵr enthusiast and a great Cymric patriot. Also, a Ray Gravell memorial Trust is being set up with the intention for the proceeds to be distributed amongst charities and causes that were close to Grav's heart. That's a wonderful idea and Dafydd Iwan has announced that the profit from downloads of the song 'Yma o Hyd' on the itunes website is to go to the fund so, please download the song, it only costs 79p a download.Also, there a campaign under way to rename the Prince William cup, that's to be presented to the winners of the game between Wales and South Africa on November 24, to the Ray Gravell cup. Please sign the petition on Care2 Petition, The WRU should listen to the plea of the people of Wales in this case; where would they be without the Welsh supporters? Siân
Er cof am/ In memory of Ray Gravell
Ray Gravell 1951 - 2007
Mae Cymru mewn galar yn dilyn y newyddion trist iawn a'm tarodd bore Iau fod 'Grav' wedi ein gadael. Byddai ei orchestion rygbi, yn eu hunain, wedi gwneud hyn yn golled enfawr i Gymru ond, fel mae pawb yn gwybod, roedd 'Grav' yn gawr gwlatgarol mewn cymaint o ffyrdd eraill. Roedd yn ddyn Glyndŵr mawr a byddaf yn colli ei gyfarchiad brwdfrydig o 'Juratus Oweyn' bob tro roedd o'n fy ngweld. Roedd poblogrwydd 'Grav' yn golygu fod pawb yn mynnu ei amser ond roedd yn gwneud amser i bawb ac yn trin pawb yn yr un modd, a phob sefyllfa gyda'r un brwdfrydedd. Byddai 'Grav' wastad yn dweud, petai wedi bod yn byw yn yr un cyfnod a Glyndŵr byddai, heb unrhyw amheuaeth, wedi bod wrth ochr ei arwr ar faes y gâd; 'Grav', o achos dy wasanaeth di-flino dros Gymru, rwyt yn haeddu dy lê wrth ochr Glyndŵr a dwi'n siwr byddai'n gysur i ni gyd rwan i gredu iti fod wrth ochr dy arwr pennaf erbyn hyn.Cydymdeimlwn yn dyfn a Mari, Manon a Gwenan, iddi nhw mae'r golled fwyaf ond dwi'n siwr fod y cariad a pharch tuag at 'Grav' a fynegwyd gan cyn gymaint o fobl yn gysur mawr iddyn nhw yn yr awr ddu yma.Cymru is in mourning following the very sad news which hit us all on Thursday morning that 'Grav' had been taken away from us. His rugby achievements alone would have made this a great loss for Cymru but, as everyone knows, 'Grav' was a patriotic giant in so many other ways. He was a big Glyndŵr man and a big Embassy Glyndŵr supporter and I am going to miss his enthusiastic 'Juratus Oweyn' greeting whenever he saw me. 'Grav' was so popular that demands on his time was extremely high but he made time for everyone and treated everyone the same, and every situation with the same enthusiasm. 'Grav' would often say that had he been alive in the Glyndŵr era he would most definitely have been alongside his greatest hero in battle; 'Grav', for your tireless service to Cymru, you have earned your place alongside Glyndŵr and I'm sure it would be a great comfort to us all to believe that you are alongside him now.Our deepest condolences to Mari, Manon and Gwenan, theirs is the greatest loss but I'm sure that the expression of love displayed for 'Grav' by so many is a great comfort to them in this dark hour.Siân IfanPrif Weithredwr Llysgenhadaeth Glyndŵr.