Promoting an interest in the history of Owain Glyndwr, the Welsh Son of Prophecy, his life, times and society and his great Welsh War of Independence;also promoting causes today in Glyndwr's spirit and promoting the flying of the Glyndwr flag on Sept 16 Glyndwr Day.

Monday, June 18, 2012



Roeddwn wedi ymchwilio i mewn i’r posibilrwydd yma llynedd ond wedi ei osod i un ochr oherwydd prysurdeb ond, mae ‘na nifer go lew eto eleni wedi ymholi am faneri Glyndŵr mawr iawn 5” X 8”. Gallaf archebu'r rhain ond, mae’n rhaid archebu o leiaf 200 ohonynt - a chyn y byddaf yn barod i wneud hynny, mae ‘na ofyn i fi gael archebion pendant oddi wrth unrhyw un sydd am gael un o’r baneri. £15 yr un fydd y pris a £1 am gludiant.

Lle a phryd gellir defnyddio’r faner enfawr yma:
Ar ddyddiau pwysig yn ymwneud ag Owain Glyndŵr sef:

Mai 28: Dydd Pen-blwydd Owain Glyndŵr
Mehefin 21: Dydd Coroni Owain Glyndŵr a Dydd y Senedd.
Medi 16: Dydd Glyndŵr - Dydd Annibyniaeth.

Ar eich cartrefi neu ar bolyn yn yr ardd. Ar bolyn tu allan i siopau, gwestai, tafarndai, adeiladau dinesig, ysgolion, cestyll, Gwyliau o bo math, meysydd carafannau a bob math o fusnesau eraill
Yn ogystal, gellir ei chwifio drwy’r haf fel modd o addurno Cymru mewn lliwiau addas a lliwgar a gellir ei chwifio mewn gemau pel droed a rygbi ac mewn pob math o chwaraeon eraill.
Hefyd, wrth gwrs, gellir ei chwifio mewn protestiadau - ac mae llu o rheini i ddod dros y blynyddoedd nesaf yng Nghymru wrth i ni geisio a gwarchod ein hadnoddau rhag cyfalafwyr fyd eang rheibus.

A heb swnio’r rhy morbid, mae sawl un wedi nodi eu bod am gael y faner enfawr i orchuddio eu heirch.

Felly, os ydych am gael un neu fwy o’r baneri - ac am fy nghynorthwyo fi (ar yr un pryd) i gael 200 o archebion, bydd rhaid cadarnhau eich archeb gyda fi erbyn diwedd yr wythnos er, bydd dim rhaid gyrru arian nes byddai’n gallu cadarnhau’n bendant fy mod wedi cael digon o archebion i gario’n mlaen a’r archeb. Gellir cynnig telerau mwy ffarfiol am archeb o 20 baner neu fwy. Cysylltwch I drafod.

Os ydych yn gynghorydd yn unrhyw le yng Nghymru, beth am sicrhau bod eich Cyngor chi’n archebu cyflenwad o’r baneri. Mae trefi fel Penrhyndeudraeth, Pwllheli, Conwy, Corwen a nifer o drefydd eraill yn chwifio baneri Glyndŵr yn flynyddol erbyn hyn. Ystyriwch pa mor drawiadol bydda'r rhai mawr iawn yma ar hyd y prif strydoedd! Ffordd hwylus I foddi’r holl ‘glytiau undebol!
Felly, dim llaesu dwylo ar hyn, os am gael y baneri yma erbyn Dydd Glyndŵr eleni! Diolch.



I had looked into this last year following a few enquiries by people but, again, this was left on the back burner due to an ever growing work load but, demand for these extra large flags have grown this year and I’ve faithfully promised to get it sorted. However, I will need to order a batch of at least 200 to get them and before I’m prepared to order, I will need to have definite orders from anyone that would like to have one – or more, of these extra large Owain Glyndŵr flags. Price each is £15 + £1 pxp. But, I can offer a better price for orders of 20 or more, contact me to discuss.

Where and when can this extra large flag be used:

May 28: Owain Glyndŵr’s Birthday
June 21: Owain Glyndwr’s Coronation and Parliament Day.
Sept 16: Owain Glyndŵr Day

On your homes, on poles in your gardens. On poles outside shops, hotels, pubs, civic buildings, schools, castles, festivals of all sorts, and on poles outside caravan parks and other businesses.

Also, it can be flown throughout the summer as a means of decorating Cymru in suitable and colourful colours and it can be flown at football and rugby and all sorts of other sport events.
Also, of course, it can be flown at protests - and we are going to have plenty of those taking place in Cymru over the coming years as we try to protect our land and its resources from further exploitation by global capitalists.

And, although I don’t want to step into the ‘morbid’, a number have expressed that, when the time comes, they wish their coffins to be draped in the Glyndŵr flag.

So, if you wish to have one – or more of the extra large flags – and wish, at the same time, to assist me to reach the 200 orders required to enable me to go through with the order, please state your interest by the end of this week – although payment does not need to be sent until I am certain that I’ve got the full quota and then I will contact each one that has stated an interest so that they then can then send their payment.

If you are a councillor anywhere in Cymru, why not ensure that your council orders a quantity of these extra large flags. Towns such as Penrhyndeudraeth, Pwllheli, Conwy, Bala, Corwen and many other places already decorate their main shopping areas with Glyndŵr flags throughout the summer months, just imagine the impact these extra large flags would have if our towns were draped in them. Good way to drown the Union Rag!

So, no dragging the feet on this one - if these flags are to be in your hands by Dydd Glyndŵr.
