Pwysig: Mae'r ffordd yn arwain i Fae Caerdydd ar Ragfyr 1af. Important: The road leads to Cardiff Bay on 1st Dec.
Dwi newydd dderbyn y wybodaeth diweddara' ( gweler isod) oddi wrth Pol Wong mudiad ymgyrchu 'Deffro'r Ddraig' ac ymddengys fod yna ychydig o amser o hyd i arwyddo'r ddeiseb oll-bwysig yma felly, dilynwch y ddolen gyswllt isod i wneud hynny ac hefyd am wybodaeth llawn parthed yr ymgyrch i fynegi gwrthsafiad ein pobl i 'gynllwyn' i wladychu ein cenedl ymhellach. Os ellwch chi ddod i Gaerdydd dydd Mawrth i ddangos eich gwrthwynebiad, cofiwch ddod a baner Glyndŵr (y wir faner Gymreig sy'n sefyll dros gwrthryfel) i chwfio. Mi fydda i yno, fyddwch chi?
I have just recieved the latest news (see below) from Pol Wong from the 'Deffro'r Ddraig' campaigning movement. Apparently, there's still a few days left to sign this all important petition so, please follow the link to do so and also for full details regards this campaign to express our peoples resistance to this blatant 'conspiracy' to further colonize our nation. If you can make it to Caerdydd on Tuesday to express your resistance, don't forget to bring the real Welsh flag of resistance, the Glyndŵr flag, to wave. I will be there, will you?
Siân Ifan
Helo pawb
Here we are a few months down the line. It's a week left before we present our petition to the Assembly.
It has been a busy few months for us but we have been AMAZED at the level of support and also by the level of understanding of the issues that this social engineering /boom and bust type of plan presents.
Certainly, many people in all of the many communities that we've visited in N.Wales and thousands more people from all over Wales agree that "development plans" like this and the shallow mentality behind them are unacceptable in this day and age.
Furthermore people agree ,that the way in which the officials and their associates work is totally unethical and undemocratic.
Hopefully we have now attained a public platform to get this plan and the issues it raises, out into the open AND begin the process of repair and safeguarding.
This means many things. It means a tangible agenda of respect ,honesty and accountability. It means policies which reflect these virtues, that have vision, insight and will promote equality,inclusion and high quality of life.
It means ALL of us WAKING UP and taking some responsibility for our actions or lack of them....
Of course there is a lot more to do yet.
The petition though an important point in the campaign, is the first real rallying point and should not be seen as the end of the matter. So we come to phase 4 of the campaign.
Over the last 6 months or so we have collected around 15000 names of people who oppose the plan, plus hundreds of registered members.
It is phase 4 where those hundreds get to join the fray and help to make history in Cymru.
To that end we will be contacting you soon and asking for volunteers. I'm sure that we'll have a great response again.
There is about a week to go with the petition,so please all go all out to get people to sign.
We will be at the Senedd to deliver the petition on 1 December (Tuesday) at 1.00pm, everyone is welcome to be part of the handing over of names and evidence.
Anyone who needs a lift or anything else please phone me on 07742073949 .
Diolch Byth Pol
p.s. Anyone with names on the petition please make sure that we receive them by Saturday.
Deffro'r Ddraig!