Promoting an interest in the history of Owain Glyndwr, the Welsh Son of Prophecy, his life, times and society and his great Welsh War of Independence;also promoting causes today in Glyndwr's spirit and promoting the flying of the Glyndwr flag on Sept 16 Glyndwr Day.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Teyrnged i'r Arglwydd Richard Livesey: A tribute to Lord Richard Livesey

Gyda thristwch mawr clywais y newyddion y bore ‘yma fod Yr Arglwydd Richard Livesey wedi’n gadael ni. Cefais y fraint a’r pleser o gwrdd â sgwrsio ag ef yng Nghefn Caer ar Fehefin y 18fed eleni wedi iddo ddod yno i ddadorchuddio copi Cefn Caer o Lythyr Pennal. Roedd Richard yn berson addfwyn a charedig dros ben, yn wladgarwr ymroddgar a fyddai bob amser yn barod ei gymwynas. Bu’n gefnogol iawn i Lysgenhadaeth Glyndŵr ar hyd y blynyddoedd ac i ‘Cofiwn’ cyn hynny - a phan ofynnwyd iddo ddadorchuddio’r Llythyr yng Nghefn Caer yn fis Mehefin, cytunodd yn syth er nad oedd mewn llawn iechyd. Cawsom ddiwrnod arbennig yng Nghefn Caer y diwrnod hwnnw a gwn fod Richard wedi mwynhau’r achlysur yn fawr iawn. Byddaf yn trysori'r cof ohono ar y prynhawn heulog hwnnw, yn y berllan hyfryd (sydd bellach yr Ardd Goffa i Arwyr Glyndŵr)yn gwenu'n siriol wrth ddarllen y placiau sydd yno'n barod i rai o'r arwyr..

Heb amheuaeth, roedd Richard yn un o ‘Bobl Glyndŵr’ a diolchaf i Dduw am y cyfle i ddod i adnabod a chydweithio a gwladgarwr Cymreig mor ddiffuant ac annwyl. Mae'n amser trist a Bydd colled mawr ae ei ôl i'r genedl, Llysgenhadaeth Glyndŵr a Chefn Caer a gallaf ond Estyn fy nghydymdeimlad mwyaf dwys i'w deulu.

It was with great sadness that I heard this morning that Lord Richard Livsey has passed away. I had the privilige and pleasure of meeting him just over two months ago when he came to Cefn Caer in Pennal to unveil Cefn Caer's copy of the Pennal Letter. Richard was an extremely kind and gentle person. He was a dedicated Welsh patriot that was always ready and willing when called on for assistance. He had been very supportive of Embassy Glyndŵr's work over the years and of Cofiwn's work prior to that - and when he was approached to unveil the 'Letter' at Cefn Caer in June, he eagerly accepted the invitation - despite his ill health. We had a very special day at Cefn Caer that day and I know that Richard really enjoyed the event and I will always treasure the memory of him on that sunny afternoon, strolling around the beautiful and tranquil orchard (which has become the Glyndŵr Heroes Memorial Garden) with one of his usual wry smiles as he read the inscriptions on the memorial stones that had already been placed there by representitives of a number of communities throughout Wales in memory of their local 'Glyndŵr's hero.

Without any doubt, Richard was one of the 'Pobl Glyndŵr' and I thank God that I had the opportunity to get to know and work with such a genuine Welsh patriot and gentleman. This is a sad time and a great loss for our nation, Embassy Glyndŵr and Cefn Caer and I can but convey our deepest sympathies to his family.


Thursday, September 16, 2010


          1. This is indeed a major ground making national initiative and although Embassy Glyndŵr had issued a call for a 'Welsh History Month' as far back as 2006 (visit link below) it is thanks to the present endeavour and the enterprising foresight of the Western Mail that we now see this initiative come to fruitition

            30 Aug 2006 ... HERITAGE INITIATIVE: MAKE SEPTEMBERWELSH HISTORY MONTH.OWAIN GLYNDŴR COMMUNICATES A news &Information Service – please inform us of any...owain-glyndwr-embassyllysgenhadaeth.blogspot.com/.../heritage-initiative-make-september.html - Cached

            Whatever, let's give thanks that at long last, our call has been taken up. This is to be a major Initiative involvingUniversities, Schools and communities. The Western Mail's Saturday Supplement will carry a 25 part series of articles under the heading 'The New History of Wales'. It will be interesting to see in which way 'new' - and whilst much in our history needs to be looked at with a new and fresh prospective, hopefully, there will be no chucking out of any 'babies' with the bath water! We will eagerly and optimistically wait to see.

            View further information on this via link below:

          2. The Western Mail's New History of Wales‎ - 1 hour ago
            IN just a couple of days' time, the Western Mail will launch the
            New History of Wales

          3. ... “The new history of Wales re-examines
  • Welsh history in a fresh and
  • - WalesOnline

          1. Note below, a forum is available do use it, not least to promote
          1. and argue the
        1. case of Owain Glyndŵr. Remember, that you
          1. only
          1. need to look through our blogs to
          1. become a 'patriotic expert'
          1. on
          1. Owain Glyndŵr.

          1. 11 Sep 2010 ... Myths about Welsh history challenged inWestern Mail's
          1. new series. DO YOU think of Wales as a Celtic nation whose people
          1. opposed slavery, ...
      1. yachydda.co.uk/.../myths-about-welsh-history-
      1. challenged-in-western-mail’s-new-series/

        1. Get more results from the past 24 hours

    So, make sure you tell one and all about this New History of Wales/Western Mail initiative and tell one and all to go and buy the Western Mail over the coming months and buy copies as gifts for family, friends and why not for your babies's 'Time Boxes' if they are not of School age?
    As far as I am concerned, I will, of course, be paying close attention to this 'New History of Wales' initiative - particularly regards the Owain Glyndŵr history.

    I am already working on an assessment of the Cadw Euro - Heritage Tourism Initiative 'Owain Glyndŵr Interpretation Plan' so it will be useful to compare what the historians of this 'New Welsh History' will have to say about OwainGlyndŵr and his life and times.
    Once completed, copies of my Assessment will be presented to the Cadw officials managing the 'Owain Glyndŵr Interpretation Plan' and to Alun Ffred Jones, the Minister of Heritage at WAG. It will also be posted on a blog. I will, of course, alert you all to this when it does. In the meantime, see below


    19 Jul 2010 ... CADW and the OWAIN GLYNDŴR STORY - AVERY FLAWED PLAN! As already touched on in the previous post on this new 'Galwad Glyndŵr' blog. ...
    galwadglyndwr.blogspot.com/.../cadw-and-owain-glyndwr-story-very-much.html - Cached

    My assessment will be based on a 77 page Cadwcommissioned Owain Glyndŵr Interpretation Plan, for which a consultant has been paid the sum of £20.875. I, of course, am conducting the assessment for nothing - as usual, as I feel, after reading the Interpretation Plan that, although some parts of it are fine, there are some areas that are unacceptable as they stand and attention needs to be drawn to those areas, so watch this space for more news on this issue soon.

    My new T Shirt:

    I have produced (partly silkscreen printed and partly hand printed) a limited edition of 'I'R GAD...GYDAG OWAIN GLYNDŴR' T shirts for children from the age of 5 - 13 although, the ones for 13 yr olds could also pass for a small women's size. I produced these (mainly) with the Abercraf Owain Glyndŵr Festival in mind as that event is well attended by children so this is a rare opportunity for them to get an Owain Glyndŵr statement t-shirt. (see pic below)

    These T shirts will be on sale at the Abercraf Owain Glyndŵr festival for £5. 99 - a ridiculous price really as they are a partly hand printed limited edition (35 in all) which took me hrs of valuable time to do. But anyone who would like to have one may contact me after this weekend to see if there are any left but posting them will require an additional £2 per t-shirt to cover the pxp. I will not be producing anymore of these as I do not have the time or the finances to do so but, if anybody out there would like to have my art work to mass produce these T-shirts then, please do contact me on 01792 533806 so that we can come to an arrangement.

    New Owain Glyndŵr associated novel out soon! The author Jenny Sullivan has bought a new novel out set in the period of Owain Glyndŵr and with the War of Independence as background. More news on next blog posting

    IT'S DYDD GLYNDŴR!... DYDD GLYNDŴR HAPUS I CHI GYD! Dont forget to fly the flag today and to ensure that Cadw, the Welsh Assembly and other civic buildings have done so - and do encourage businesses and friends to do so as well.


    posted by WELSH REMEMBRANCERS @ 12:58 pm


    This is indeed a major ground making national initiative and although Embassy Glyndŵr had issued a call for a 'Welsh History Month' as far back as 2006 (visit link below) it is thanks to the present endeavour and the enterprising foresight of the Western Mail that we now see this initiative come to fruitition

    30 Aug 2006 ... HERITAGE INITIATIVE: MAKE SEPTEMBER WELSH HISTORY MONTH.OWAIN GLYNDŴR COMMUNICATES A news &Information Service – please inform us of any...owain-glyndwr-embassyllysgenhadaeth.blogspot.com/.../heritage-initiative-make-september.html - Cached

    Whatever, let's give thanks that at long last, our call has been taken up. This is to be a major Initiative involving Universities, Schools and communities. The Western Mail's Saturday Supplement will carry a 25 part series of articles under the heading 'The New History of Wales'. It will be interesting to see in which way 'new' - and whilst much in our history needs to be looked at with a new and fresh prospective, hopefully, there will be no chucking out of any 'babies' with the bath water! We will eagerly and optimistically wait to see.

    View further information on this via link below:

  • The Western Mail's New History of Wales‎ - 1 hour ago
    IN just a couple of days' time, the Western Mail will launch the
    New History of Wales

  • ... “The new history of Wales re-examines
  • Welsh history in a fresh and
  • WalesOnline - 2 related articles »
  • - WalesOnline
            1. Note below, a forum is available do use it, not least to promote
            1. and argue the
          1. case of Owain Glyndŵr. Remember, that you
            1. only
            1. need to look through our blogs to
            1. become a 'patriotic expert'
            1. on
            1. Owain Glyndŵr.

            1. 11 Sep 2010 ... Myths about Welsh history challenged in Western Mail's
            1. new series. DO YOU think of Wales as a Celtic nation whose people
            1. opposed slavery, ...
        1. yachydda.co.uk/.../myths-about-welsh-history-
        1. challenged-in-western-mail’s-new-series/

          1. Get more results from the past 24 hours

    So, make sure you tell one and all about this New History of Wales/Western Mail initiative and tell one and all to go and buy the Western Mail over the coming months and buy copies as gifts for family, friends and why not for your babies's 'Time Boxes' if they are not of School age?
    As far as I am concerned, I will, of course, be paying close attention to this 'New History of Wales' initiative - particularly regards the Owain Glyndŵr history.

    I am already working on an assessment of the Cadw Euro - Heritage Tourism Initiative 'Owain Glyndŵr Interpretation Plan' so it will be useful to compare what the historians of this 'New Welsh History' will have to say about Owain Glyndŵr and his life and times.
    Once completed, copies of my Assessment will be presented to the Cadw officials managing the 'Owain Glyndŵr Interpretation Plan' and to Alun Ffred Jones, the Minister of Heritage at WAG. It will also be posted on a blog. I will, of course, alert you all to this when it does. In the meantime, see below

    19 Jul 2010 ... CADW and the OWAIN GLYNDŴR STORY - A VERY FLAWED PLAN! As already touched on in the previous post on this new 'Galwad Glyndŵr' blog. ...
    galwadglyndwr.blogspot.com/.../cadw-and-owain-glyndwr-story-very-much.html - Cached

    My assessment will be based on a 77 page Cadw commissioned Owain Glyndŵr Interpretation Plan, for which a consultant has been paid the sum of £20.875. I, of course, am conducting the assessment for nothing - as usual, as I feel, after reading the Interpretation Plan that, although some parts of it are fine, there are some areas that are unacceptable as they stand and attention needs to be drawn to those areas, so watch this space for more news on this issue soon.

    My new T Shirt:

    I have produced (partly silkscreen printed and partly hand printed) a limited edition of 'I'R GAD...GYDAG OWAIN GLYNDŴR' T shirts for children from the age of 5 - 13 although, the ones for 13 yr olds could also pass for a small women's size. I produced these (mainly) with the Abercraf Owain Glyndŵr Festival in mind as that event is well attended by children so this is a rare opportunity for them to get an Owain Glyndŵr statement t-shirt. (see pic below)

    These T shirts will be on sale at the Abercraf Owain Glyndŵr festival for £5. 99 - a ridiculous price really as they are a partly hand printed limited edition (35 in all) which took me hrs of valuable time to do. But anyone who would like to have one may contact me after this weekend to see if there are any left but posting them will require an additional £2 per t-shirt to cover the pxp. I will not be producing anymore of these as I do not have the time or the finances to do so but, if anybody out there would like to have my art work to mass produce these T-shirts then, please do contact me on 01792 533806 so that we can come to an arrangement.

    New Owain Glyndŵr associated novel out soon! The author Jenny Sullivan has bought a new novel out set in the period of Owain Glyndŵr and with the War of Independence as background. More news on next blog posting

    IT'S DYDD GLYNDŴR!... DYDD GLYNDŴR HAPUS I CHI GYD! Dont forget to fly the flag today and to ensure that Cadw, the Welsh Assembly and other civic buildings have done so - and do encourage businesses and friends to do so as well.


    posted by WELSH REMEMBRANCERS @ 12:06 pm