ARWYR GLYNDWR and the Last Great Raid 1410 Commemorating Glyndwr's Heroes 2010.
Much is made of memorialising Owain Glyndŵr - as should be the case - and as we at Embassy Glyndŵr have tiredlessly campaigned for of course but, its fair to note that there are now already two fine statues of Owain Glyndŵr, the iconic statue in Cardiff City Hall and the new one in Corwen which, with time, will become equally iconic to the City Hall statue. However, I recently wrote a letter to the Western Mail backing calls for the Welsh Assembly Goverment to further recognise Owain Glyndŵr. They do, of course, fly Baner Glyndŵr on 16 Medi annually but have they now grown confident enough as an Independent Welsh Senedd in waiting to have a replica of Owain Glyndŵr's great seal above the speakers chair in the Assembly Chamber? Now, that would be a statement - and i would further suggest that WAG would do well towards reaching the ultimate goal of a fully devolved government if it were to further recognise Owain Glyndŵr's great contribution to this ideal by forking out some grants to assist an 'all Wales' commemoration of the 660th anniversary of this great Founding Father's birth (1354) throughout the year of 2014 and in such association, would it not also be reasonable to request that they might also find the cash to produce commemorative medallions and mugs as they did recently for the 25th anniversary of Cadw in 2009.
The above aside, let us remember that Owain Glyndŵr did not fight the war all by himself but had at his side great generals such as Rhys Gethin and guerilla leaders such as Hywel Gwynedd of Fflint and many, many more but, for the moment - and for the sake of this post, I would like to focus your minds on three Captains in particular. They are named in the commemmorative notice at the beginning of this post, the very notice that Embassy Glyndŵr recently worded and used for a commemmoration action carried out in Shrewsbury by our own 'Guerrilla Remembrancers' as depicted in pics above. There was a dual purpose for this commemmorative action; other than just the commemorative, the action was carried out to prompt Shrewsbury to mark the execution of Phillip Scudamore - as they have already done re the execution of Dafydd III with a plaque on the National Westminster bank. Further, I hope this action and this post will encourage patriots to begin local efforts to memorialise, in particular, Rhys Ddu ap Gruffydd and Rhys ap Tudur in, both, home localities and places of execution at Chester and London.
This is just for starters as up to G660 - 2014, I am promoting a five year Arwyr Glyndŵr Memorial Programme which will include the establishing of an 'Ardd Coffâd Arwyr Glyndŵr' at a central location, so that it might, all the more, become a national project and easly accessed as central to many. Further exciting information and details on this and, a number of other signifigant G660 Initiatives and projects will be posted up in our new blogs: Galwad Glyndŵr (which will be replacing Owain Glyndŵr Communicates) and Glyndwr 660 as the new platform for presentation and promotion of the great 'Coffâd Genedlaethol 1354 - 2014' we are presently planning for 2014. So stay close and true. Our last 12 years of 'gwaith Glyndŵr' can and will be improved on greatly with your aid and assistence and, in particular, your enthusiasm, enterprise and endevour.
S. Ifan.