Promoting an interest in the history of Owain Glyndwr, the Welsh Son of Prophecy, his life, times and society and his great Welsh War of Independence;also promoting causes today in Glyndwr's spirit and promoting the flying of the Glyndwr flag on Sept 16 Glyndwr Day.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

In Rememberance of the Aberfan Tragety 9:15 am Friday 21 - 10 - 1966.

A news &Information Service – please inform us of any Glyndwr interest news.
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Llysgenhadaeth Glyndŵr/Embassy Glyndŵr
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On a sad note: A very important anniversary we cannot ignore or allow to pass by without observance is, of course, the 40th anniversary of the Aberfan Tragedy. With this in mind, we request one and all to respectively remember those lost and their families and on 21 Hydref at 9: 15 am to light a black candle in a window in your home and let it burn until it extinguishes itself. In this way, each and every one of us may remember all those who died that day. As a means of spreading this message of remembrance, we have produced below a black candle picture accompanied with respectful words of remembrance; please reproduce this in your e-mails and on your web logs and web sites as from 1 Hydref 2006 and there after annually for this period of October remembrance of the Aberfan Tragedy of 1966. It would also be appropriate on this day to wear a black ribbon and, if at all possible, to visit the memorial garden at Aberfan to place flower tributes in memory of those who were killed so sadly that black day.

Er Cof Am Aberfan

21 Hydref 1966