Adroddiad am Angladd Glyn Rowlands/Report on Glyn Rowlands's funeral.
Heb amheuaeth, angladd gwlatgarol
Yn yr amlosgfa, cafwyd mwy o deyrngedau gwlatgarol, chwaraewyd 'Yma o Hyd' gan Dafydd Iwan ac fe
ymadawodd Glyn y byd yma i'r anthem genedlaethol. Er i'r tywydd ddal yn ystod y gwasanaeth yn Corris, roedd yn tywallt y glaw erbyn hyn a dwedodd un hen wladgarwr wrthyf fod hynny'n arwydd da iawn oherwydd, y gred yn yr hen ddyddia oedd, bod glaw trwm yn ystod angladd yn arwydd clir bod drysau'r nefoedd wedi agor i dderbyn yr ymadawedig. Roedd credu hyn yn gysur yn achos Glyn - ac os yn wir, gallaf ond datgan fod y nefoedd wedi elwa dydd Mawrth ar golled Cymru a gobeithiaf yn fawr bod Glyn wedi ymuno â Glyndŵr a'r holl wladgarwyr Cymreig diffuant eraill sydd yno ac a fu'n aros i'w groesawu i'w mysg.
.Wedi'r gwasanaeth yn yr amlosgfa, teithiodd bawb yn ôl i Fachynlleth i gerdded mewn gorymdaith glatgarol i ddathlu bywyd Glyn ac fel roedd yr orymdaith ar fin cychwyn, ciliodd y glaw fel petai rhywun yn y nefoedd wedi cau'r tap! ac fe gerddodd oddeutu 200 0 alarwyr o'r Plas a thrwy'r dref.
Am adroddiadau llawn o'r orymdaith gellir edrych ar y blogiau 'The Welsh Patriot' a 'Welsh Remembrancer'
.Y cyfan sydd ar ôl i fi ddweud yma yw bod gobaith i ni yng Nghymru tra fydd plant fel rhai Glyn Rowlands yn fyw. Maent, bob un, wedi eu magu'n wladgarwyr rhonc o'r crud a does ddim amheuaeth yn fy meddwl parthed eu bwriad i gario'n mlaen â brwydr eu tad. Yna, mae gennym fand ifanc gwlatgarol fel band 'Balchder Cymru' sydd wedi eu hyfforddi gan John Jenkins wrth gwrs. Mae eu proffesiynolrwydd a'u disgyblaeth erbyn hyn yn werth ei weld a'i edmygu, a byddai'n dda o beth petai na mwy o fandiau gwlatgarol fel y band yma yn bodoli yng Nghymru. Rhywbeth i glwbiau bobl ifanc ystyried o ddifrif -ac yn arbennig mewn cymunedau difreintiedig?
* Bydd angen gofyn caniatâd os am ddefnyddio'r lluniau uchod.
English version of above below minus the pics:
The 1st of Sept 2009 was a sad day for both the small village of Corris and Wales. At 2pm, family friends and compatriots from near and far poured into Salem chapel, Corris to pay their last respects and tributes to Glyn Rowlands. Within minutes, every seat on the ground floor and balcony areas was taken; such was the popularity of Glyn. Yes, he was a man renowned to love and care deeply for his square mile and it was well known that he could be relied on to do more than his fair share for that community but, he had also proved, over and over, since the days of the early 1960's, that he was prepared to do more than his fair share for his nation Wales also.
.Without any doubt, Corris and Wales witnessed a patriotic funeral last Tuesday, that had been Glyn's wish and that is exactly what was organised by Glyn's family and compatriots. Patriotic hymns and tributes were given in the chapel and a 'Guard of Honour' lined up the path leading to the chapel door, doubling as a band to escort the large motorcade out of the village so that it could follow the hearse, which was escorted by a group of motorbikes, on its way to Aberystwyth crematorium for the 2nd half of the service.
.At the crematorium, many had to stand outside due to lack of space inside and again, patriotic tributes were given, followed by the song 'Yma o Hyd' by Dafydd Iwan before Glyn left this world to the sound of the national anthem. Although the weather had held out during the service at Corris, it poured down outside the crematorium and I was assured by one old patriot that this was a good sign as it was believed in days gone by, that heavy rain at a funeral was a sure sign that the gates of heaven had opened to accept the deceased. This was certainly a comforter in Glyn's case and if true, heaven certainly profited on Tuesday to Wales's loss and I sincerely hope that Glyn has now joined Glyndŵr and all those other true Cymry that have been waiting his arrival.
.Following the service at the crematorium, most travelled back to Machynlleth to participate in a parade to celebrate Glyn's life and, just as the parade was about to commence, the rain stopped and about 200 mourners followed the family, old comrades or their representatives, and the Balchder Cymru Colour Party Band through the town.
.For further info on the parade, please visit 'Welsh Remembrancer' blogs.
.All that's left for me to say here is that there is hope yet for Wales whilst we have children such as those of Glyn Rowlands's alive. They have all been raised as true Cymric patriots and will, without doubt, continue with their father's struggle and will raise their own children up as true Cymric patriots. Then, we have a band such as the Balchder Cymru Band, all young people, trained by John Jenkins and their professionalism and discipline is to be noted and admired. It would be excellent to see more patriotic bands, such as the Balchder one established in many other areas of Wales. Something for youth club organisers and members to consider - and especially so in socially deprived communities?
* Permission will need to be sought to use the above photographs.
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